Wednesday, April 16, 2014


In terms of being a teenager i go through many things, some are the right ones for my age while others are either bigger or small for me!
as we all know as teenagers its too obvious that i am DOING WHAT I MEANT TO DO IN THIS AGE,
but there is days where i get annoyed from myself. I keep thinking why am i bothering myself with this shit that even half of it wont support me in my future, and wont make my life even better! its a waste of time, a wrong way of wasting my time.

In some days i would reach a point where ENOUGH i am freakin sick from everything, i don't want to eat, smile, speak, laugh,be nice to others, do the right things...etc, i used to think that its just the time before my period, plus our society way of thinking made it harder for us to share some of our feelings because yeah then we will be "nafsya"!

This happens to all of us simply because one day we started giving everything to life, the other day we found out that no ones appreciated it or even give a damn care. That's why we come to this point where we think that "gosh i had enough of life" and we are not 20 yet which is ridiculous for us to think that way, we are still young. I guess the big mistake is in how we think not with life, not from our families, not our friends, and not anyone else around us. Yes they might be part of it, but its us who have the bigger part.

I guess the better way to deal with it is by realizing the fact that actually no one forces you to do that or that, and people are not also forced to appreciate you either thank you. so deep deep deep deep inside you, you have to keep in mind everytime you do a thing is that you dont want anything from others in return no matter how simple it was whatever you did (or even say)! just do it because it represent you as a person, and its what makes you feel better about yourself.
But its hard! I tried, and i am still trying to...

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